05 January 2016

Images of Rankin by Connie Merriman

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Pearl Hughey, Rankin Borough Councilwoman; Barbara Edwards, President Rankin Community Development Corporation; Lila Vilar, Rankin Christian Center; Reverend William Brammer, Executive Director, Rankin Christian Center; Jeff Brooks, Community Organizer, Mon Valley Initiative
In 1996 Rankin set out to convert a weedy, empty lot into a small park. They built a small pavilion at the one end and had murals done on the large, cement retaining wall along the back of the lot. Artist Connie Merriman worked with 12 Woodland Hills School District students to create Images of Rankin.

James Milton, Local Businessman

The panels show locations around the community with some of the local residents. In the above image, James Milton of Milton’s Unique Hairworks was portrayed because of his contribution to Rankin’s business district.

Unknown Physician, Rankin Community Health Center; Rankin Mayor Matt Furjanic; Fleet Street 4h-Club members Amanda Tkach, Alissa Flanaghan, Unknown, Dara Hodge and George Tkach 4h-Club Advisor

Fleet Street 4H-Club Members:Unknown,Kareem Mohammed, Marcus Burkley, Bily Dutrievelle, George Tkach, Suliamon Muhammed, Amanda Tkach, Unknown

UPDATE, Aug 2013
It was thanks to an unknown reader (who contacted us with the information) that the people in the panels were identified. We were very happy to be able to put names to the faces.

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