05 January 2016

Meeting Departure by Paul Bowden

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Meeting Departure was a bit of a - well - departure from the Sprout Fund’s usual mural. There’s no painting involved, just a sculpture installed on the side of a building (and the roof). Not a very large sculpture either. In fact even though we had the address, we rode right past it without seeing it. After riding all the way up the hill searching for it, we came back down and this time did a thorough search of the wall in question until we found it. At least we thought it was a thorough search. It wasn't until later that day that we started to wonder where the third man was. We had read about this installment on line and were sure that there were supposed to be three figures, but we had only seen two of them. Hmmm. Curt Gettman (The Public Art Program Manager at the Sprout Fund) clued us in and told us to look on the roof for the third man. So another ride to Polish Hill and sure enough – there he was.

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