04 January 2016

Admiral Perry Mural by multiple artists

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Perry High School (across the street from the mural) was named for Admiral Oliver Hazard Perry. So are the communities of Perry Hilltop, Perry North, and Perry South. The owner of this building wanted the mural subject to be about the school’s namesake. Some of the students from Perry High School worked with the artists to create this tribute to Admiral Perry with images from the Battle of Lake Erie.

Don’t give up the ship were the words on the Admiral’s battle flag. The phrase is attributed to a friend of his (and the ship’s namesake) – Captain James Lawrence. The other famous phrase on the mural is from the battle report Admiral Perry sent to General Harrison: We have met the enemy and they are ours; two ships, two brigs, one schooner and one sloop. The rowboat shows when Admiral Perry was being transported from the badly damaged USS Lawrence to the USS Niagara where he re–established his command and went on to defeat the British.

MLK Community Murals Project provided the artists on this mural. This segment of the mural reflects their mission:

The mural was dedicated on the anniversary of the Battle of Lake Erie.

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